Internship and Career Opportunities
Departmental Resources
The department recommends that students visit the Career Services website or office to learn about current internship opportunities. The University of Pennsylvania is also a member of BMES Career Connections. Students graduating from member universities can search BME-AII’s national database of summer internships/research and full-time positions, which include opportunities all over the country.
BME-AII’s database is accessible by members only. Students can obtain a username and password from the Bioengineering department office.
University Resources
Penn also offers numerous resources for students seeking summer internships or full-time employment after graduation. If you haven’t done so already, contact Career Services to meet with a career counselor, who can tell you about all the resources available to you. Some of these resources include:
- HANDSHAKE, a searchable database of current positions available for Penn students and alumni and on-campus recruiting. For additional information about this site, please contact Career Services.
- Programs and Workshops, including resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation, graduate school panels, pre-health and pre-law workshops, and more.
- Penn Alumni career networking
- Recommendations (Credential) Service, which is a service to manage disseminating your credentials to potential employers or other parties.
Outside Resources
- Biology, Biotechnology, and Pre-Medical Engineering Internships: Homepages and direct weblinks to over 590 paid co-op/internship and summer undergraduate research postings listed alphabetically by organization name and listed by state.
- Pathways to Science: A website to help underrepresented STEM students connect with funding and research opportunities.
- Complete List of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs)
Undergraduate Program:
- Our Students
- Admissions
- Advising
- Curriculum
- Policies
- Undergraduate Research
- Internships
- International Opportunities
BE Advising Contact:
Ms. Kacy M. Dadura
Associate Director for Advising
Room 240 Skirkanich Hall