Concentrations are not required but are intended to provide students with the option to obtain a more focused education in a particular field of study or sub-topic within a given field. Below is a list of potential courses. To satisfy the requirements for a concentration, students must complete at least four (4) courses in their chosen area of study. At least two (2) courses must be from Bioengineering. Once the required courses are satisfied you must fill out the Declare Concentration Form for department approval. Please note that a concentration can not be approved until all four (4) courses have been completed AND graded.
Biomedical Data Science and Computational Medicine
Employs concepts and infrastructure from computer science and broad-based principles from engineering, applied mathematics, physics, and chemistry, to navigate large data sets of biological information and model biomolecules to gain insight into complex biological systems.
Course options:
- BE 9990 Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 Master’s Independent Study
- BE 5040 Epigenomics BE
- BE 5060 Introduction to Neuroengineering
- BE 5210 Brain-Computer Interface
- BE 5300 Theoretical Neuroscience
- BE 5320 Computational Biophysics
- BE 5370 Biomedical Image Analysis
- BE 5400 Principles of Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering
- BE 5410 ENGR & Prin of Cancer
- BE 5570 – Quantitative Principles of Drug Design
- BE 5590 Multiscale Modeling of Biological Systems
- BE 5660 Network Neuroscience
- BE 5680 Causality for Medicine and Biology
- BE 5740 Special Topics – Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
- BIOL 5262 – Biological Foundations for Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Genomics and Omics Technologies
- BIOL 5510 Statistics for Biologists
- BIOL 5860 Mathematical Modeling in Biology
- BMB/BBCB 6340 Cryo-Em
- BMIN 5010 Introduction to Biomedical and Health Informatics
- BMIN 5030 Data Science for Biomedical Informatics
- BMIN 5220 AI III: Advanced Methods and Health Applications in Machine Learning
- CIS 5190 Applied Machine Learning
- CIS 5210 Artificial Intelligence
- CIS 5200 Machine Learning
- CIS/BIOM/MTR 5350 Introduction to Bioinformatics
- CIS 5450 Big Data Analytics
- CIT 5900 Programming Languages and Techniques (Python)
- CBE 5250 Molecular Modeling and Simulations
- GCB/BMIN 5330/IMUN 5770 Statistics for Genomics and Biomedical Informatics
- GCB 5360/BIOL 5536/CIS 5360 – Fundamentals of Computational Biology
- GCB 5370 Advanced Computational Biology
Biomedical Devices
Design of instruments, implants or other biotechnologies that are used to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease. They require design, fabrication, manufacturing and interfacing with biological systems.
Course options:
- BE 9990 Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 Master’s Independent Study
- BE 5020 From Biomedical Science to the Marketplace
- BE 5060 Introduction to Neuroengineering
- BE 5130 Human Centered Design for Clinical Emergency Medicine
- BE 5140 Rehab Engineering & Design
- BE 5180 Optical Microscopy
- BE 5210 Brain-Computer Interface
- BE 5280 Applied Medical Innovation I
- BE 5290 Applied Medical Innovation II
- BE 5510 Biomicrofluids
- BE 5560 Molecular Diagnostics for Precision Medicine
- BE 5700 Biomechatronics
- BE 5850 Materials for Bioelectronics
- ENGR 5660 APOC Design
- ESE 5050/MEAM 5130 Control of Systems
- ESE 5290 Introduction to MEMS and NEMS
- ESE 5360 Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization
- HCMG 8530 Management and Strategy in Medical Devices and Technology
- IPD 5150 Product Design
- IPD 5190 Smart Devices
- MEAM 5100 Design of Mechatronic Systems
- MEAM 5140 Design in Manufacturability
- MEAM 5200 Introduction to Robotics
- MEAM 5750 Micro and Nano Fluidics
- MSE/MEAM 5050 Mechanical Properties of Macro/Nanoscale Materials
Cellular/Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials
Engineering of synthetic and/or biological materials to support or manipulate cellular or tissue growth. Constructs are used to understand cell behavior, as tissue implants or as platforms for therapeutic applications.
Course options:
- BE 9990 Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 Master’s Independent Study
- BE 5120 Bioengineering III: Biomaterials
- BE 5400 Biomolec & Cellular Eng
- BE 5530 Tissue Eng/PR/MTHD/APP
- BE 5580 Prin of Biol Fabrication
- BE 5590 Multiscale Modeling of Chemical and Biological Systems
- BE 5650 Systems Biology of Tissues and Organogenesis
- BE 5690 Systems Biology of Cell Signaling Behavior
- BE 5780 Principles of Controlled Release Systems
- BE 5850 Materials for Bioelectronics
- CBE 5570 Stem Cells, Proteomics and Drug Delivery – Soft Matter Fundamentals
- MEAM 5140 Design in Manufacturability
- MSE 5180 Structure and Function of Biological Materials
Biomedical Imaging and Radiation Physics
Physics of medical and biological imaging modalities, the use and effects of radiation in imaging and therapy, methodologies for image acquisition and processing, development of computer-based imaging theory and analysis methods, and the development and use of contrast media and molecular imaging agents.
Course options:
- BE 9990 Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 Master’s Independent Study
- BE 5180 Optical Microscopy
- BE 5370 Biomed Image Analysis
- BE 5460 Fund Tech of Imaging I
- BE 5470 Fund Tech of Imaging II
- BE 5800 Medical Radiation ENG
- BE 5810 Tech-Mag Resonance Imaging
- BE 5830 Molecular Imaging
- BE 5840 Math of Med Image/Measure
- BMB 6010 Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance
- BMB 6020 Imaging Biomarkers
- BE 6500 Adv Biomed Imaging Applications
- MPHY 6030 Image Based Anatomy
- MPHY 6070 Radiation Biology
- PHYS 5290 Modern Optics
- PHYS 5529 Modern Optics
Systems and Synthetic Biology
Understanding the nature of molecular and cellular processes and how individual biological entities interact to produce function at the cellular and organism level. It also includes the development of new devices, biomolecules, or biomimetics to control or manipulate these interactions to introduce new functionality, improve function and/or impair function.
Course options:
- BE 9990 Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 Master’s Independent Study
- BE 5400 Biomolec & Cellular ENG
- BE 5410 ENGR & Prin of Cancer
- BE 5440 Computational Science of Energy and Chemical Transformations
- BE 5540 ENG Biotechnology
- BE 5580 Prin of Biol Fabrication
- BE 5590 Multiscale Modeling of Biological Systems
- BE 5650 Systems Biology of Tissues and Organogenesis
- BE 5670 Modeling Biol Systems
- BE 5680 Causality for Medicine and Biology
- BE 5690 Systems Biology of Cell Signaling Behavior
- BIOL 5262 Biological Foundations for Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Genomics and Omics Technologies
- CBE 5540 Engineering Biotechnology
- CBE 5570 Stem Cells, Proteomics and Drug Delivery – Soft Matter Fundamentals
- MEAM 6630 Mechanics of Macromolecules
Neuroengineering involves the confluence of neuroscience, device development, computation, and mathematics in an effort to better understand, track, and modulate neural function in health, disease, and degeneration.
Course options:
- BE 9990 Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 Master’s Independent Study
- BE 5060 Introduction to Neuroengineering
- BE 5210 Brain-Computer Interface
- BE 5300 Theoretical Neuroscience
- BE 5660 Network Neuroscience
- BE 6100 Special Topics in Neuroengineering – Interdisciplinary Intelligence Initiative Colloquium
- NGG 5720 Electrical Language of Cells
- NGG 5730 Systems and Integrative Neuroscience
- PSYC 5470 Foundations of Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience
- PSYC 5490 A Neuroscience Perspective of Artificial Intelligence
Multiscale Biomechanics
Understand how biomolecules, cells, tissues, or living subjects interact mechanically with their environment and to use this knowledge to understand disease and repair processes and/or to guide the design of technological solutions to rehabilitate subjects with injuries or disabilities.
Course options:
- BE 9990 Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 Master’s Independent Study
- BE 5100 Biomech & Biotrans
- BE 5140 Rehab Engineering & Design
- BE 5500 Continuum Mechanics
- BE 5700 Biomechatronics
- BE 5610 Musculoskeletal Biology and Bioengineering
- MSE 6500 Mechanics of Nano and Biomaterials
Therapeutics, Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine
Encompasses drug discovery, drug design, manufacturing, preparation of micro- and nanodelivery platforms, gene and cell therapy, innovations in targeting, controllable drug release, biodegradation and the mathematical modeling of these systems.
Course options:
- BE 9990 Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 Master’s Independent Study
- BE 5020 From Biomedical Science to the Marketplace
- BE 5260 – Immunology for Bioengineers
- BE 5270 – Immune Engineering
- BE/CBE 5540 ENG Biotechnology
- BE/CBE 5550 Nanoscale Systems Biology
- BE/CBE 5620 Drug Discovery & Develop
- BE 5780 Principles of Controlled Release Systems
- BE 6080 Medical Entrepreneurship: Commercializing Translational Science
- CAMB/IMUN 6090 Vaccines and Immune Therapeutics
- CBE 5570 Stem Cells, Proteomics & Drug Delivery – Soft Matter Fundamentals
- CBE 5630 Dev & Manuf of Biopharm
- CBE 5640 Drug Delivery
Immune Engineering
- BE 9990 – Master’s Thesis
- BE 5990 – Independent Study
- BE 5260 – Immunology for Bioengineers
- BE 5270 – Immune Engineering – my graduate course that will focus on new technologies in immunology profiling and T and B cell immune engineering
- BMB 5850 Wistar Inst Cancer
- CAMB 6330 Advanced Seminar in Gene Therapy
- CBE 5550 – Nanoscale Systems
- CBE 5640 – Drug Delivery
- IMUN 5060 Immune Mechanisms
- IMUN 5070 Immunopathology
- IMUN 6090/CAMB6090 – Vaccines and Immune Therapeutics
- REG 6210/CAMB 7070/MTR 6210 Cell and Gene Therapy
Master’s Program:
Your BE Contact:
Erin Reavy-Fredericks
BE Master’s Coordinator
240 Skirkanich Hall
Graduate Student Groups:
Graduate Association of Bioengineers