Bioengineering Courses
Course Information:
Please visit the University’s Course Catalog. Quick links to frequently-accessed course categories are as follows:
- Bioengineering (BE)
- Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Computer and Information Science (CIS)
- Computer and Information Technology (CIT)
- Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE)
- Engineering and Applied Science (EAS)
- Engineering Mathematics (ENM)
- Materials Science and Engineering (MSE)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Physics (PHYS)
Course Information: PennKey Needed
All current course information at Penn, including descriptions, instructors, and provided syllabi, is accessible by PennKey. Students, faculty, and staff can log in to search for a particular course by subject code and number (Ex: BE1234) or by keyword and/or iinstructor. To see a list of all BE courses being offered in the current term:
- Go to Penn InTouch
- Log in with your PennKey and password
- Go to Course Search
- In the Course ID/Subject box, enter “BE” and click “Find Courses”