Matt Maltese
Guest Instructor
BE 4720, Medical Device Development
Alex Lyness
Guest Instructor
BE 4720, Medical Device Development
Erin Berlew
Guest Instructor
BE 4960/4970 Bioengineering Senior Design ENGR 1010, Introduction to Scientific Computing
Michael Siedlik
Guest Lecturer
BE 4960/4970 Bioengineering Senior Design
Michael Patterson
Guest Instructor
BE 3900 Bioengineering Modeling, Analysis and Design Laboratory I
Afraah Shamim
Guest Instructor
BE 2700 Bioengineering Laboratory Principles
Kimmie Wodzanowski
BIOL 5262 Biological Foundations for Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Genomics and Omics Technologies BIOL 5062 Biological Foundations for Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Cellular and Molecular Biology
Alexandre Harris
BIOL 5262 Biological Foundations for Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Genomics and Omics Technologies BIOL 5062 Biological Foundations for Bioengineering and Biotechnology: Cellular and Molecular Biology